Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Free Silk Cashewmilk from BzzAgent

I just tried Silk Cashewmilk for the first time today thanks to BzzAgent.com. I was given a free coupon to try this product as part of a Bzz Campaign. I also have coupons to pass out to my friends and family for $1.00 off.

Silk Cahshewmilk is a new flavor from the Silk brand. I have tried several of their other products and I like them. The cahsewmilk that I tried was the unsweetened kind. I like that it has only 25 calories per glass. I thought it was a little bitter so I would get the sweetened kind next time. But it would be great in a recipe or in a cup of coffee. There is a slight nutty flavor to the milk and I would like to mix it when I make a smoothie. There are some great recipes that came with my Bzz Kit.

Go to BzzAgent.com and sign up to be a BzzAgnet too. You will need to fill out a profile and some surveys and you will be on your way to getting free products too. They also reward you for completing activities and you can earn gift cards for your activities. It is a fun way to find out about new products like Silk. I've been a BzzAgent for 8 years now! I love it and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys getting free stuff mailed to you at no charge.

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