Friday, May 8, 2015

Febreze products free from House Party- Chatterbox

I just received a package of Febreze in wash odor eliminator from Chatterbox by House Party. Go to to sign up for the chance to get packages like this one for you to use, and to share with your friends and family.

I really like Febreze products and this new In Wash Odor Eliminator is great. It made my son's smelly football clothes smell fresh again. You just add it to your regular wash. I received a coupon for a free bottle, some coupons to share and some samples to share too.

House Party is a great site if you like to sign up for packages of goodies to be shipped to your house at no cost. However, you have to apply for the party, or in this case, the Chatterbox. They only have limited spots, so you won't always get chosen to get a package. I am lucky enough to have been chosen for a few parties and now a couple of the Chatterboxes. The Chatterbox is a smaller package for a smaller group of friends. The House-parties are meant for a larger party that you have where you get to share goodies with your friends and neighbors.

Some of the parties from are for parents with children, for Mom's, and so many other themes. Right now you can apply to host parties for Animal Planet, Daisy Sour Cream, and Silk & NutriBullet. I don't apply for all of them because they can be a lot of work if you are not picked or interested in the product. I tend to apply for only the ones that I know my friends and family will like. One of my favorite party packs was a Redbook party with lots of free samples and lipsticks for all of my girlfriends.

So go sign up and you too can host a house party or a chatterbox host if you are selected. Some tips I think will help are: 1. Have your friends sign up too. They they might get selected and you can go to their house party. My neighbors invite me when they get a pack and I don't. 2. Do all of the activities that they ask you to do so you can get selected. They usually want pictures and for you to answer a survey and tell your opinion of the products that are offered. 3. Make sure to do the follow up surveys afterwords. 4. Look to see how many packs are being sent out. If it is a large number, you have a better chance at being selected as a host. 5. Check your email on the day the party selects hosts. They always pick more people than can actually fit so you have to hurry and set up your party before it is too late. 6. Then enjoy your free goodies!

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