This is a great free product that I received from Smiley360! I have very dry skin from teaching Ceramics all day and this product helped heal my dry cracked hands right away. O'Keeffe's Working Hands hand cream is a great product for anyone like me that works with their hands all day. The best thing about this is that it also lasts a long time after you apply it on your dry skin. I am going to use it before bed and after washing my hands. I apply lotion all day long when I work with clay because it is very harsh on my skin. This hand cream has a thick creamy texture and it absorbs pretty quickly into my dry skin. I continue to feel that it continues working for quite a while after it is applied. It also does not feel greasy after it absorbs into my hands.
I got to try this hand cream free because I am a member of Smiley360. They send you packages with coupons and free products to try and review. There is no cost to join and they don't charge for shipping. Just fill out a profile and you will soon start to get the chance to participate in missions. There are drawings for prizes too, but I have yet to win any. The main perk for participating is that the more points you earn, the more free products you will qualify to receive.
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I absolutely love this product. The product container and label are stylish and sturdy. This cream has a slight smell that is soothing to me, I don't mind the fragrance at all and after using the product my face felt a lot smoother and looked more clear (complexion wise). The mask is easy to put on and remove... source -