Sunday, November 13, 2016

Free Hilary's Veggie Bites from Social Nature

I just tried this great new natural product free from I was sent a coupon to try Hilary's Veggie Bites free as well as a couple of discounts for other products from this brand.

This free offer was sent to me because I am a member of SocialNature, but I had a really hard time finding Hilary's Veggie Bites in stores. I looked online on the website for Hilary's to see where this product is available and I was happy that they were supposed to be at a store just down the street from my house. But I was out of luck. I went to four different stores before I finally found them, and when I did it was quite a distance from my home. The website that helps find the product in stores was not accurate. So after I finally found this product, I was happy to try them. The store that they were available nearest me was Lazy Acres Market in Long Beach, Ca. They were located in the frozen foods section near veggie burgers.

The Veggie Bites were very easy to prepare and they have a nice texture. I cooked them in a nonstick pan and they were tasty, but a little bland. I think they would be perfect with dipping sauces. These are perfect for kids and I think they would enjoy the taste.
The fact that they are gluten free and made with people with allergens in mind was a plus. I have family members and friends who would really enjoy this product for their kids. It would be fun to make mini sliders with the veggie bites and to play around with recipe ideas.

If you would like to try this product or other natural products like it, just follow this LINK. You will have priority access to try this free product from Social Nature or any other products that you want to try! Free products are limited in quantity, but anyone who doesn’t get a free product will get a coupon to try the product at a discount. So go sign up and start selecting products that interest you. I had trouble finding this product, but most of the products on this site are easier to find. I can't wait to see what they offer next!

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