Monday, August 29, 2016

Coupon for Ragu Homestyle Sauce, and free products from Mom's Meet

I just found out that I will be receiving a free package with vouchers of Ragu Homestyle pasta sauce for my group of Mom friends plus a digital link for money saving coupons to share with you and my friends. Here is the link for the Ragu Homestyle Sauce: MOM'S MEET.
If you sign up for Mom's Meet you can also apply to have a sample pack of products sent to you too. They want moms to share products with their friends when they meet up for play-dates or group meetings. Mom's meet is a community of Moms that like natural and organic products. There are so many different types of freebies you can get apply for after you join, but you have to be invited to try the different products. I have not had many lately, but my kids are older now and when they were younger I used to get packages from this site often. It is run by Kiwi magazine and the products you sample are great. I have received large boxes of natural products that make for a fun get together for me and my friends. So if you are a mom with young kids I recommend you sign up and see what type of products they send you. There is no charge to join or to get these products. You just need to post some pictures and share opinions of the products you try with your group of friends.

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