Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Jakemans Throat & Chest Lozenges #free from SocialNature

Jakemans Peppermint Flavored Menthol Cough Suppressant Lozenges are very effective and soothing. I had never tried this product before and I enjoy using natural products whenever I know that they work well. The soothing feeling helped my sore, dry throat right away and the feeling lasted long after it dissolved.

Here are some of the facts about this product:

4 flavors to choose from: Honey & Lemon, Cherry, Anise, Peppermint

Vegan-friendly except Honey & Lemon

Trusted UK brand for over 100 years

Delicious blend of soothing menthol and plant flavors

Made from honey, lemon, anise and eucalyptus oil

Free of harsh chemicals

I got to try this product free thanks to This site is a great site to learn about and sample free natural and organic products. If you follow this special LINK from my blog, you will get priority access for any Social Nature products that you want! Free products are limited in quantity, but anyone who doesn’t get a free product will get a coupon to try the product at a discount. Here is how Social Nature works:

Go sign up and check the site often because new products are added frequently. I love to try these products because I have so many new favorites because of the samples I have received.

Free Erno Lazlo Hydra-Therapy from Influenster

I had never heard of the Erno Lazlo brand of beauty products before, so I was curious to see what it was when Influenster offered me the chance to try some. I got a package in the mail containing Erno Lazlo Hydra-Therapy Memory Sleep Mask. It uses a memory gel textured moisturizer to deeply hydrate skin overnight. The mask has a great fresh scent and it absorbs easily into my skin. I left it on all night and my skin felt hydrated and refreshed in the morning.
I got to test this product free in exchange for my honest review thanks to They send free products with absolutely no cost for shipping. Then in return you just tell them what you think. I really enjoyed testing this new product and I would have never known about the Erno Lazlo brand without this opportunity. It's easy to sign up for this site and you just need to create a profile to begin. Then in order to qualify for freebies, you need to opt in to participate in Vox Box campaigns. The more you do on this site, the more likely you are to be picked for a free product. Many of the products they have sent me are valuable so it is worth it to join. I can't wait to see what my next box contains.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Gliss Shampoo and Conditioner Free from Crowdtap

I got the chance to test out Gliss Color Guard Shampoo and Conditioner to see how well it works on my highlighted hair. Crowdtap sent me this package in exchange for my honest review of these products.

Gliss Hair Repair has liquid keratin to strengthen and protect my hair. My hair looks and feels great after using Gliss Shampoo. I had never tried these products before, but I am glad that I did. They have a great scent and they protect my highlights while they keep it from breaking. The longer I use it the more I can see the results. The conditioner also smells great and leaves my hair looking great all day. Both of these products used together do what they promise and they help my hair look its best.

If you would like to try free products like this too just sign up at and fill out a profile. Then soon you will have the chance to participate in missions to sample a variety of products. Not only do they send free packages, they also give you points for all of the activities you do on this site. Points add up to gift cards and so far I have earned $620.00 for my activities. Also, I have earned far more than that in the value of the free products I have tried. All you have to do in return is share your honest opinion of the products you tried. So sign up today and see what you can get free in the mail too.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

My Favorite Sites to get Free Products and Gift Cards

I have written a previous list of the best sites to get freebies from the internet in the past, but some of sites have changed, so this is an updated list for 2018.

1. My favorite site right now is I have been a user of Crowdtap for a few years and I have had so many great opportunities to earn free gift cards and to get boxes full of awesome free stuff. The reason I like this site so much is that there are a lot of chances for many different brand samplings and I they are often valuable and fun items. I have even earned $615.00 in Amazon gift cards so far just for trying products and participating in the activities on this site. However, the free products are much more valuable than the gift cards. It is easy to use this site and it is fun learning about and trying new products. Here is a picture of one of my fun boxes from Crowdtap.

2. Mom's Meet has been one of my favorite sites from time to time but I no longer have small children at home. So this site is a great site for all Moms especially if you like natural and organic products. Visit and sign up if you are interested in getting boxes full of free products to share with all of your mom friends. The Sample a Product tab is where you sign up to get freebies sent to you at no charge. In return you share some coupons and samples with your group of friends, family and neighbors and post your opinion of the products you tried. It is easy to do and not too much work. You have to be selected to get the products, but over the years I have received quite a few awesome boxes of stuff.

Also Mom's Meet has a point system. The points are earned on the site visiting brands, commenting, and by participating in the sampling programs. Then you can cash in your points for a prize. The prizes update periodically and so there are better ones available at different times. It is worth joining and checking it out. Here is an example of a box from one of the sampling programs:

3. PinchMe Samples is one of the easiest ways to get a free box of samples mailed to you every month. On one Tuesday each month this site releases a new free box of samples for everyone. It is easy to sign up and the boxes are free and they have free shipping. Each PinchMe box is different. Some months there are beauty products, food and snacks, coupons, health care etc. I always look forward to getting a box from this site and it is easy to review the products after you try them. The key to getting these samples is to log in right when they are available each month because the free samples sell out if you don't hurry. To keep getting more samples just be sure to keep your profile up to date and review everything you tried. Here is a box I received in the past from PinchMe:

4. Smiley360 is a great site for trying free products too. It is one of my favorite sites because I have gotten the chance to try tons of new and innovative products that I would probably never try if they didn't introduce them to me. It is great for healthcare supplements, over the counter medications, beauty products, cleaning products and so much more. Just sign up and create a profile to start participating. The missions are where you sample products and they will mail them to you free of charge. They send them out frequently and then in return you will post some pictures and review the products you try. It is easy to do and it is fun to have so many packages come in the mail. Here is an example of a free product I tried from Smiley360:

5. Influenster is a site that I have been a member of for quite a while and they send out free products too. They don't send them as often as some of the other sites, but sometimes they are very valuable products. My favorite free package from this site was a laser hair removal system. It was worth a few hundred dollars and it was a great product. Influenster will send you free boxes of products depending on your demographics and how much you participate on this site. They will invite you to participate in campaigns. The ones with vox boxes are the campaigns with free products. They also have contests and I won one of the contests a few years ago. It is a good idea to sign up and see what they offer you. If you get selected, you will need to post some photos and also review the products you tried. I also enjoyed sampling some expensive cologne and perfume from this site as well as an array of makeup products. Here is an example of free products from this site:

6. Social Nature is a great site to get free full sized products and coupons for natural and organic products. I have been a member for quite a few years and I really like this site because I get to learn about so many great new products that I wouldn't even look for in stores if I didn't try them here. This site lets you select the products in you area that you would like to try, then if you are selected, you get a coupon or a product mailed to your house. In the past I have had trouble finding the right stores to buy the free products, but now they have more information about store locations. It is a fun site and they update the free products frequently. Here is an example of a free product from Social Nature:

7. Home Tester Club is another great site that I really like. I enjoy this program because I have tried a large variety of products free from this site. Just sign up and go to the Home Tested tab. Register for all available trials that interest you and then you will be getting free products in no time. Then after you try them you just fill out a short survey about the products you tried. It is very easy to use this site and it doesn't take long. Here is a product I tried from Home Tester Club:

8. One of my favorite ways to get free products is also the Ralph's Grocery app and website. If you shop at any of the Kroger family of stores just apply this to that site. If you sign up for emails from them, they send you a freebie Friday email with a free product download every week. Also there are frequently free products and great coupons on the Ralph's Facebook page. Just look for the Ralphs Exclusive Coupons every week and you will save money and get more free products. New offers are added every week usually on Tuesday or Wednesday. They go away quickly if you don't download them to your account. You do need a shopper card to participate in these freebies, but it is a great way to save money on your grocery bill. I just pull up the app on my phone when I shop so I remember to pick up the free products. Also during the holidays they sent out emails with lots more bonus free products. Just be sure to select the right size of the product available so the discount is applied at the register.

9. HouseParty is a fun site to try and get free products too, but you have to be selected in order to get anything on this site. I have been lucky enough to get picked for quite a few parties in the past, so it is worth a try. If you are selected, be available when the selection day arrives, because the free parties fill up quickly and if you don't act fast enough they will be gone before you log in. I once got a free Roomba Vacuum from this site, so I will keep trying and checking for good parties. There is also a chatterbox section with smaller freebies that are probably easier to get. So if you apply for a party you might get it and then you just need to post pictures and share the goodies they send you. I had a few of my friends sign up for this site too, then if they apply you all get a better chance at getting a fun party. Here is my favorite Houseparty gift:

10. I used to love But lately they don't give out much of anything any more. It has really gone downhill from when I signed up many years ago. It is worth a try if you want to sign up. They do still send free packages, but I don't think they award points for doing activities any more like they did in the past. Give it a try and see if it works for you. I don't have anything recent to share from them. I hope they start sending out more freebies in the future.

11. Recyclebank is an easy way to add up points to earn free prizes. There is no cost to join or for shipping. Here is what it is: WORKING TOWARD A WORLD WITHOUT WASTE. Since 2004, Recyclebank has been setting our sights on creating waste-free communities. We reward members for reducing waste and learning how to reduce waste — so together, we can all make the world a cleaner, greener place. It takes quite a lot of time to add the points up and it can be repetitive. Here are some of the prizes that are currently available: Magazines, gift cards, Gifts from One Twine, and discounts. Currently the best prizes are gift cards or magazine subscriptions, but I have received other items in the past. If you have lots of free time you can give it a try. New point earning opportunities are added often so you can keep adding up more points.

That's it for now. I do know a few other sites, but these are the most reliable ones that I use. I will keep posting great freebies, coupons, and money saving sites. Let me know if you have any ideas that I am missing out on. I like hearing feedback from people who visit my blog.